The Professionals’ Retirement Strategy Plan™ (PRS Plan) focuses on maximizing tax-free retirement income, when the money is needed most. It does so by accumulating capital in an asset class that enjoys the upside of the market’s potential with no principal risk. In many states, you may also enjoy asset protection from future judgment creditors.

Business Owners and Professionals continually seek ways to utilize their businesses to provide tax-free retirement benefits for themselves. The Professional’s Retirement Strategy creates an exit-strategy to capitalize on the intrinsic value of their business. The PRS Plan is a tax-efficient retirement strategy designed to build wealth, tax-advantaged retirement income, substantial life insurance protection on an asset protected basis.

The PRS Plan is for those professionals who have a qualifying corporate structure and philosophy. The PRS Plan allows the business to provide a discriminatory benefit plan for its owner(s) without negatively affecting its balance sheet.

The PRS Plan may also make it easier for the business owner to sell his business to a next generation professional or family member.

Every PRS Plan is custom designed to meet each client’s specific retirement income goals along with corporate and personal budget constraints.

We look forward to designing a plan for your business.