Elite Resource Partners is a collaborative and purpose driven organization that takes teamwork with the clients and advisor team to the next level.  Through our unique processes, we effectively leverage the best qualities of the team members to deliver quality solutions that can best accomplish the clients’ goals.  The value we bring to the work is an ability to drive proactive teamwork to move a project to completion in a reasonable time frame.  This approach keeps all parties interested, engaged, focused and provides a method to direct the thinking to a very intentional implementation schedule.

Jan Mohamed CFP®, CLU, AEP

Chartered Financial Consultant
Managing Partner

Jan is president and founder of Elite Resource Partners, a leading financial and insurance advisory services and consulting source.  Jan coordinates with all the advisors essential in the creation, development and on-going management of a successful plan or strategy. These normally include the attorney, CPA, actuary and banker. They become a team that collaborates to assure that the plan is the result of solid thinking, implemented and updated on a timely basis. Jan is dedicated to helping people grow and protect their assets through the utilization of customized financial strategies.


For 20 years Jan has been very involved in in The Strategic Coach™; he spent 7 years as a coach who mentored entrepreneurs throughout the country with the goal of multiplying their business successes and enhancing the quality of their professional and personal lives.  While Jan is no longer coaching, he remains active in the program.


Jan earned a degree in Business Administration from The Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

Community Involvement

Jan is a consummate volunteer. If there is a need, he’s first in line to render leadership and assistance. He is a longtime greeter and usher in his church, St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church in Dallas, Texas. And he is active in a large number of other religious and civic organizations.


Jan and his wife, Marian, are the parents of a daughter, Emily. They reside in a historic home on Swiss Avenue in Dallas, Texas.

Lydia York

Senior Account Manager: Underwriting and Office Manager

Lydia has been in the financial services industry for over 20 years, serving as a life insurance and disability case manager. She currently manages the underwriting for Paradigm from application through policy issuance.

Lydia studied accounting and business at The University of North Texas in Denton, TX. She has a background in office management, finance and customer service.

Lydia and husband, Peter, have two grown sons (and two wonderful daughters-in-law) and just welcomed their first grandchildren, twins. They look forward to loving and spoiling them over the coming years.

Tammy J. Albitz, FPQP™

Senior Account Manager: Sales and Marketing

Tammy has been Jan’s Assistant for 5 1/2 years. She earned her Financial Paraplanner Qualified Professional designation and her life and health insurance license as well. Her job includes client relations, advisor relations, case management, event/workshop planning and marketing. Tammy uses her unique abilities to assist Jan and his clients and strategic partners to continue toward success in their current “Elite” endeavors.


Tammy earned a Bachelor of Science in Journalism/PR from the University of North Texas.


Tammy and her partner, Leslie, live in Dallas and spend their time on home improvement projects, traveling and having fun.