“My barn having burned down, I can now see the moon.”

― Mizuta Masahide, 17th century Japanese poet

2020 hasn’t been a normal year.  It has been filled with challenges that stretch beyond the typical.  What started as a booming economy and a low-interest rate environment ground to a screeching halt by the onset of COVID19’s global spread; now we’re all sheltering at home and trying to figure out what will happen next.  As rattling as this set of circumstances might be, I’m confident that there are a few silver linings out there for all of us.

This message started with a Masahide quote that I think reflects one of those silver linings.  We are isolated and probably quieter than some of us might like… but in some of that quiet, I’m sure you, like me, are thinking about many things in your life with an eye toward the best path forward.

The first part of the Masahide quote laments the destruction of a protective structure, the barn, but rejoices because of the ultimate result:  the “moon shines brightly in the night sky” and “I can now see the moon.”

On January 7th, I launched Elite Resource Partners after 20 years as ConfidentVision and am happy to report, all is going very well (tough time to change, huh?). Elite provides a variety of services and connections to national experts in a number of areas for CPAs and attorneys.  A number of CPA firms and attorneys have joined our network and, overall, it has been a very meaningful journey.  This extra time because of COVID19 has given me some intentional thinking time and space to reflect on these new changes and how I can best serve you, my client, that I have collaborated with for many many years.

This will work out for all of us because there is a plan for success that follows each one of us.  The biggest silver lining I have sensed is that most have recognized what is truly important in life…family and friends.  The new normal might be a world where people consciously recognize relationships are important and know it is worth taking time to develop these friendships.

I want you to know that we are here when you have a question, need an opinion or just want to hear a friendly voice.  Stay safe my friends.

Click here for a Future Vision Thinking Tool for you. While you’re at home, maybe take a few minutes to be intentional about your thinking, adding clarity about what you’d like to be true in your life to build your bigger future.