I’ve worked in the financial industry for over 40 years and I never stop learning.  As a matter of fact, I seek opportunities to learn new things:  financial products, business strategies and technology, just to name a few. I dispel the myth that “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.”  It’s just not true!  I also strive to improve myself personally and to periodically reflect on why I do what I do, if it’s bringing me joy and if I’m helping others.

I was recently at a vendor’s workshop and asked “what would your message to the world be?”  That is where the picture at left came from.  Questions like that make me pause and really ponder who I am, why I do what I do and how I might convey what I’ve learned to others.  If you know me well, “love God and be grateful” will not come as a surprise.  I’d like to expound on these two by sharing my list of things that must be true for me to keep doing what I’m doing and know that it’s exactly where I need to be.

So here goes… my list of “what must be true to keep me on my current path:”

I Am:

  1. Following God’s path for my life;
  2. Open to learning new things and truths about myself;
  3. Having fun and enjoying the relationships developed with my clients and advisor partners;
  4. Continuously receiving introductions from my strategic partner CPAs and Attorneys;
  5. Developing a unique team that supports me;
  6. Working only in areas that are in my unique ability;
  7. Taking time away from the office with my wife, Marian, to rejuvenate;
  8. Making a difference in the lives of my clients, friends and team members;
  9. Happy and enjoying the game of business;
  10. Taking the time to develop the next generation of advisors at Elite Resource Partners.

I hope this will be meaningful to you and I challenge to you to come up with your own list.  Let’s all keep the good fight going and keep moving forward with joy, a giving thankful spirit, a sense of adventure and a thirst to learn more!  Call me if you want to talk.